Courses &
I regularly offer courses and workshops to help people connect with their best selves and to help them to help others to find equally more positive parenting journeys. These are a selection of courses that I'm currently offering. If you'd like to chat about any of these or potential 1-2-1 opportunities to work with me, Contact Me for an informal chat.

Breastfeeding is Established, What Now? Webinar

Healing Breastfeeding Grief
& Trauma Course

Milk Mentors
Peer Support Course
When you seem to get over the initial stresses of getting breastfeeding off the ground, you can then begin to focus on what comes next, and a whole load of questions can then start to crop up. This is a webinar that covers some of the most common questions people have.
If you overwhelming feelings grief or trauma around your feeding experience, this course helps you explore how your body holds those feelings , how it responds when it's triggered and how you can manage the strong emotions more constructively.
Become a breastfeeding peer supporter and help other families on their breastfeeding journey. This is a 4 day comprehensive course and an opportunity to join a wonderfully brilliant group of women equally passionate about helping families with feeding their babies.

Podcasts & Additional Resources
I love talking about the things that I'm passionate about and the many facets that impact our parenting and feeding journeys. Here are a few resources available to you to listen to and read. If you'd like to read more of my thoughts, you can read my blog.
Listen to me talk about one of the biggest reasons people give up breastfeeding before they often want to. I discuss early diagnosis, and often misdiagnosis, of weight issues in newborns, the impacts it has on the breastfeeding journey, the mother's mental health, and the repercussions of poor policy and poor support. Read my copy from the original post here and listen to the episode at First Time Mum's Podcast episode 123
Oh, how I can talk non-stop about the impacts poor feeding support can have on our mental health and emotional well-being. Here you can listen to me do just that with the equally passionate Laura Hans, Perinatal Psychotherapist, who invited me to her podcast. Holding The Mother Podcast Episode 4
Gemma of The Mindful Mama Club is a fucking blast to chat to. Her passion for supporting women with birth and breastfeeding and in the postpartum period is clear in everything she does. Here we both speak into these topics that we love chatting about. The Shits & Giggles Guide to Motherhood Episode 2
Resources & Downloads

The Breastfeeding Plan - Free 15 page guide discussing common early day breastfeeding issues, and ways to overcome them with minimal risk to the breastfeeding journey. Download Here
PDF explaining very simply the different breastfeeding support roles available in the UK and what you can expect from each role. Download Here